Michael Duff has produced numerous videos for UN agencies and international NGOs across Africa and Asia. These projects often involve concept creation, developing messages and identifying target audiences, through to the video production, editing, and motion graphics.
UNICEF - Health Governance And Accountability
Concept though to filming, editing motion graphics and delivery
World Food Program - Home Grown School Feeding
Shot and edited this film along with other content for the WFP in Sierra Leone.
The Nature Conservancy - An Extraordinary Journey (CHINA)
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
UNICEF - Make the Invisible Visible
Filming, editing and delivery.
UNICEF - Improving Access to Free Health Care
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
SMAC - End of Ebola
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
WHO - Measles Vaccination Sierra Leone
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
WORLD BANK - Making Trade Faster, Cheaper, Easier (360 VR)
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
UNITED WORLD SCHOOLS with Charlie Boorman (Cambodia)
Concept through to filming, editing and delivery.
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
UNICEF - Free Health Care Sierra Leone
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
CARE Cambodia Infographics
Editing, motion graphics and delivery.
WASH Consortium Sierra Leone
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.
UNCDF FinTech Challenge Sierra Leone
Concept through to filming, editing, motion graphics and delivery.